One of the largest ministries of Peoples Baptist Church
is Peoples Baptist Academy for students in K3 through Grade 12. Fully accredited by the Georgia Association of Christian Schools and the American Association of Christian Schools, PBA graduates earn a college-preparatory diploma. While in high school, students are also afforded the opportunity to participate in honors classes, AP classes, and approved dual-enrollment programs. With a full sports program, a commendable Fine Arts program, strong academics, and a Bible-based curriculum, students are able to develop mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually at a high level. Under the leadership of Dr. Gary Satterfield, our staff, faculty, and students all love being a part of PBA. For more information, please contact our school office at 770.914.7388 or visit us at
The goal of Heart of the South,
a ministry of Peoples Baptist Church, is to bring together like-minded churches with the purpose of influencing this next generation for the cause of Christ. These events afford today’s youth fellowship with others who share their faith and promote their desire to know Christ better. If you’re wondering what a Teen Explosion is, it’s a whole youth conference powerfully packed into a single evening full of games and skits, singing and preaching, and great food with new friends..
For more information or to receive emails and flyers, please visit our website at
Nationwide is short for Nationwide Independent Baptist Fellowship (NIBF). PBC helped found and has hosted this conference as a service to preachers across the country, particularly in the southeast, to come together for three days of preaching, singing, and fellowshiping with other like-minded preachers and churches. Nationally-known speakers fill the schedule, and PBC members make it their goal to pamper preachers who attend. Meals are prepared, snacks are provided, special activities are designed for ministry wives. Preachers can even get a free shoe shine, hosted by young men in our youth department. It is all in good fun and in an effort to be good to the men of God.
One of the highlights of the year is the annual ladies’ conference each September on the weekend following Labor Day. Pastor McCoy does the opening welcome on Friday night and the morning devotion on Saturday; and other than that, it is all “girl time.” The sessions provided are always informative and inspirational and presented in keeping with a theme, and special well-known speakers are invited.
Mrs. McCoy loves giving spiritual insight to well-known stories and classics, and our ladies have enjoyed such themes as “Beauty and the Beast” (you have a choice each morning which one you will be), “The Seven Dwarfs” (learning to get along with different personalities in the church), “Cinderella” (someday MY prince will come), “Snow White” (wash me and I shall be whiter than snow), and “A Whole New World” (eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither entered into the heart of man the things which God hath prepared for them that love him). We have even had our very own Eliza Doolittle for the theme of "My Fair Lady."
For more information please check out our site, or to receive emails and flyers, please visit our Contact page.
Under the direction of Mr. Grady Reagan, All Things Through Christ (ATTC) basketball is sponsored each winter to afford kindergarten and elementary age children a sports outlet through the church. While the boys and girls enjoy the games, they also take a break each week to hear a Bible devotion from one of our staff. At the end of the season, pictures are taken and awards are given. They love that they have a team shirt and that at every game every one gets to play.