One of the best outreach programs of our church is what we call SWAT: Soul Winning Action Team. In keeping with its name, it is a program known for its effectiveness in actively pursuing others—for church purposes, with the gospel. Several SWATs go into designated areas and are in constant communication with their SWAT leader to ensure that everyone possible has been reached. We make various types of visits, such as knocking on doors in the community, visiting new move-ins, and reaching out to recent visitors in our services. It is our goal to saturate our area with the Gospel of Christ.
Each Wednesday afternoon, we have a soulwinning bus that leaves the church and goes into local neighborhoods with the gospel. After meeting back to enjoy a meal as a church family, different groups head out with specific visits in mind before all meeting back for our Wednesday evening service.
Hundreds of families move into our county every week. Each of those families needs a church home; but, more importantly, they need a Saviour!